
Friday, August 13, 2010

Pay Day!!

I don't think I've ever been so excited to see a pay day roll around! The last two weeks have been hard to live on our budget. It's been extra challenging because we had to account for all the money we had already spent on our credit card before learning about all the awfulness of our money habits. So, we didn't actually have the "normal" amount to spend because we had already OVER spent in several categories making us have to be uber responsible to  make up for our previously made bad choices. Finally, we can start living on a regular budget again. I'm thankful we made it through and I'm proud to say we have $3 left in the grocery budget! :) Whew! Now, today, I have to sit down and figure out how much cash we're going to pull out of the back for the next two weeks, so we'll have the remaining amount in the next pay check to get us through the month. For some of them, I might need the whole amount right away, for others we'll be fine with half until next pay day. I'm looking forward to seeing how this goes. I think it'll get less complicated as we get further into the actual program and start seeing our debt disappear. That'll surely be motivation to keep going. In fact, I think we might be able to pay a big chunk on some after I get our budget figured out! So great!

Happy Friday/Pay Day friends!

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