
Monday, August 30, 2010

Where's the audience?

This weekend we've had company, so I haven't had much of a chance to update on how things are going, so now I have a growing list of ideas to share with you! :) You'll have to be patient though as I get my life back in order to get them all typed up and posted.

In the meantime, I wanted to share with you about an email I got from my girlfriend from high school who is now living in Africa! I had no idea she had been following along on the blog and it was so great to hear from her. So here's a shout out to living a simple life in Africa!! Thanks for following along.

Well, this got me thinking, who is reading? Where do you live and what's your story. If you've been a casual reader or a frequent follower, please leave a comment and introduce yourself. I'd love to meet you! For extra motivation, I'll be drawing names from those that leave a comment and send out a great selection of coupons for canning supplies that are good through the end of the year.

So lets get started, I'm Chelsea, nice to meet you. And you are? ....


  1. Hey Chels. I'm a reader :) Great job by the way! I'm a huge Dave Ramsey fan and all about living on a budget. Way to go!

  2. Hi Chelsea, I'm Daphne! I went to Crown and Bekah Miller told me about your blog because I am going to be a stay at home mom as soon as my little one (due 9/1) makes his entrance into the world! She thought I would enjoy the money saving tips and the living simple tips on your blog...which I do!! Keep up the great work!

  3. Mel! Thanks for reading. Dave Ramsey is great, isn't he? Thanks for stopping by to let me know you've been following along! :)

  4. Daphne- nice to meet you. I take it Bekah Miller must be reading sometimes too! ;) Congratulations on your little one on the way so soon! Glad you've found some tips and ways to help transition your family to one income. If you ever have any questions, please ask and I'll do my best to find the answers! :) Thanks for introducing yourself and following along. Blessings to your growing family.

  5. Okay girls--if you send me a message with your addresses I'll get some coupons for canning goods in the mail for you! :)

  6. Daphne Christenson
    6101 71st Ave N
    Brooklyn Park, MN 55429
