
Monday, September 27, 2010


This Sunday we went to the farmer's market and had a lovely time. I'll post all about that another time this week (I got some great deals! :) I can't wait to share them with you!) While we were there I came across a booth for a company that delivers fresh, all natural, organic meats and produce.

Sidenote: I've been reading a book called The Conscience Kitchen, which talks about all the benefits of organic and local foods. It hasn't been my favorite book ever, but it has been very educational and gave me more facts to back up my already forming beliefs that some of what we are buying at the grocery store isn't exactly the best for us or the earth.

Needless to say, the booth caught my attention and so I asked for some information. They explained that I would get a weeks worth of groceries for free if I signed up for a meeting to talk to them about their program. I'm always up for anything free, especially when it's actually way more meat then we'll use in a week! :) I'm also not afraid to say no in high pressure situations, so I was confident that if this wasn't for us, we'd be okay with taking the free food and tell them we weren't interested in their services.

Well, they came this afternoon for our appointment with a box of great food along with them! :) After hearing what their program offers, we decided to give it a try. The short version is that they deliver 6 months (although we opted to spread ours out over 10 months) worth of all natural meat, fresh pastas, and organic produce to your house. They offer a freezer through them, which is an additional option if you're needing one. They then load and organize your freezer for you with all the goodies! :) YES, PLEASE! The best part is that it really is very affordable. Considering all the food we will be getting and keeping it within our current budget, it's going to be so convenient to have all that on hand and help me avoid the grocery store!

Just a few booths down there was an all natural, fresh dairy and eggs delivery service as well. I'd already decided I wanted to sign up for them before stopping by, but I wanted my husband to try their milk to see if he was on board too. They not only gave us samples to try while we were there, but they also sent us home with a half gallon of milk for free too! :) Lovely. The downside to the dairy delivery is that it will be more expensive then what we're currently spending on milk, cheese and eggs. I've been doing some research on what's in our dairy products though and it's not good. I'm feeling confident that I've been able to reduce our grocery budget enough that spending a little more for healthier food for my family is worth it in this case.

I've also been really considering baking our own breads and making our own dough for pizza, etc. So it's looking like the grocery store will be a much less frequent errand on my to do list. I think I'm going to like having my groceries delivered! :)

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