
Tuesday, September 14, 2010

I made it! :)

This morning it randomly occurred to me that tomorrow is the end of my two week no grocery shopping goal. The awesome thing is that I wasn't feeling frantic about needing to get to the store asap! In fact, if I don't go tomorrow, it certainly won't be the end of the world. It's nice to set goals like that an then realize afterwards that you've been able to  meet it all along. It's good confirmation that I don't NEED to go to the store every week. I love being able to not add that chore to my list each week. I think as I do a better job of sticking to our menu that'll get even easier. So may next month I'll have to set a three week goal...yikes, that sounds intimidating...

Are you a goal setter? What kind of goals to you set for yourself to accomplish things you want for you or your family? What savings goals have you set?

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