
Monday, December 13, 2010

Ham Lessons

I've learned a few things about the ham world this week. Judging from my past post you can probably tell that I was clueless about all things--ham! But not anymore, thanks to my money saving mission, I've learned quite a few new things and of course, I have to share them with you! :)

1. Hams come fully cooked! That saves me that step!
2. Hams come pre-sliced (Spiral Sliced)--Another step saved.

So here is what I did. I bought a ham for $1.39/lb that was spiral sliced, brought it home and then followed the directions to add the honey glaze to it that it came with. Once that was finished I took the slices off the bone and placed them in small freezer bags for lunch meat. With the rest of it, I took it off in large chunks and diced it or shredded it to add to casseroles, soups or dishes. I packed them all up for freezing & labeled them for future use. It turned out to be even easier then I thought it would be!

**Sidenote: If you're seeing a lot of sales happening at different stores and don't want to go to each of them, most stores honor their competitors prices. All I do is take all my ads in with me and while checking out, hand the check out clerk the ad for the items I'm buying and they ring it up for the sale price. It'll save you a lot of money and time by using that trick on your grocery shopping days! :)

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