
Friday, December 31, 2010

Recap on 2010 Goals

Here is a recap on my goals for 2010.

-Pay off 2 student loans--> DONE & then some... :) Very exciting.

-De-clutter the garage--> DONE and then messed up a bit and then re organized again...For now it's looking good. :)

-Scrapbook: 1. Family--not really finished, haven't been working on it much. This will probably go on 2011 goal sheet too. 2. Asher's--It's mostly up to date. I did "cheat" a little and ordered some kodak books to help me keep up through the fall and winter, but it's all to date. :) 3. Audrey's-Same as Asher's. I do intend to work on finishing up some of the spring pictures I have for both of them that have been printed and are waiting to be scrapbooked. Hopefully that'll happen at the beginning of this year so I can have their books ready for their birthdays. 4. Our Wedding--not even touched. We've been married 8 1/2 years and this one is still not even close to being done. Maybe in 2011?!?! ;)

-Spiritual/Personal Growth  reading once a week & Daily Bible reading-->Did pretty well on that. There were a few patches where reading wasn't as consistent, but for the most part I was able to do several Bible studies and a few books like The Total Money Makeover by Dave Ramsey & Find Your Strongest Life by Marcus Buckingham. I also got started on the Karen Kingsbury books and read the entire Redemption Series and am on the second book of the Firstborn Series. So, I'd say my reading goal has been satisfied! :) 

-Make a healthy diet change/month-->This is a mixed review. We did make some great changes to our diet this year, but I'm not sure it would total 12. We did switch to better dairy products, we also have been getting farm fresh meats & eating game meat which is also healthier for you. We've continued to have a healthy supply of fruits and vegetables, but I've worked on getting them from local and/or organic sources more regularly this year. I think this is a goal I will continue through the next year, but maybe not expect a full 12 changes. 

-Deep clean one room per month--> That was going really well for about 1/2 the year! Throughout the fall I haven't been as consistent on it, so I think my new goal will be to find a good cleaning service! ;) I actually do think the goal was good, life just happened and cleaning didn't make the top of the priority list.

-Redecorate/Fix something in the house (3 projects this year)--> We did several things in our room to add some updates, but I don't think it's finished. I'm not really happy with the result of this goal. I'm disappointed that I wasn't able to do more of these things that I think are fun and add life to our home. I have some clear ideas of what I'd like to do, but time &/or money seem to keep them from happening just yet. Hopefully this year some of those things will happen!

So, there's my recap. This year I'm going to set goals under specific categories, so we'll see how that works. I'll write  more about that tomorrow! :)

How'd you do this year? Did you have goals that you set? Did you do a good job completing them? 

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