
Monday, January 17, 2011

Meal Update #2

Alright, I promised an update, so here it is! I'm actually very pleased with the quality of meals we were able to pull together this week from what we have on hand. In fact, I'll probably continue this throughout next week, because we have plenty of food here! I'll just get some produce this week and that'll probably be all we'll need to make another week without the store. So exciting! I'm certain my bank account is thrilled too.

I think I mentioned in the last update that we were going to have a roast on Thursday night, which we did and it was pretty good. We even had enough leftovers for another meal. So all the leftovers were put in a ziplock, and laid it flat in the freezer for a future in-a-hurry dinner. It was your typical roast, it was more of a creamy, sauce with cut up roast in it and served over parsley potatoes or buttered noodles, so I'm certain it'll freeze and thaw fine. Not to mention it came from my freezer meals cookbook! ;)

Friday was a pull-things-out-of-my-fridge-into-a-pan kind of meal and it was a hit! These sorts of  meals always have the chance to be an "um, that didn't turn out quite like I imagined it would" or "maybe we shouldn't make this again" kind of response around the table, but not this one. I had an idea of the things I wanted to use and boy it turned out tasty! I even got the "can you write down what you put in this so you can make it again? This is really good!" Comment from the hubby, which is always a great compliment. :) So, maybe some of you would like it too. Of course I have NO measurements because that's not how I roll on these types of meals. You'll just have to guestimate as best you can....

-Noodles, whatever kind you have on hand, I used thin spaghetti

-Olive Oil, just a bit drizzled in the pan
-Italian sausage-I didn't use much, just some leftovers (probably about 1/2 cup, it wasn't the link kind either)
-Chicken-2 small thighs, but anything would work
-Chopped onions (about 1/4 C)
*I let these cook first, while I got the rest of the ingredients gathered
-1/2 a jar of artichoke hearts (it was a small jar) and a little bit of the oil it was in
-1 roma tomato, diced
-Heaving Whipping Cream (maybe 1/4 C??)
*after all that was heated through and the noodles were boiled, I added the drained noodles into the sauce mixer, let it get warm again. I then sprinkled it all with salt and pepper and a little parmesan and dinner was served.

Then, last night we had a light dinner because we had a big lunch and birthday cake that afternoon. So it was chicken nuggets, left over mashed potatoes, applesauce and fruit.

Tonight, I'll be making either a homemade pizza or calzone/Stromboli whichever I'm most in the mood to make. I have frozen bread dough that I'm currently thawing for it. Some of my topics will include several other items found in my freezer like: meatballs (chopped up in smaller pieces), onions & peppers. I'll use my canned marinara and a few fresh veggies like tomatoes and possibly some of the left over jar of artichoke. I might make a couple different choices. :) Ooh...I also have chopped ham too.... the choices are endless, which is exactly why I'll be doing this use-what-we-have again next week! :)

I  LOVE my freezer!! :)

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