
Sunday, January 9, 2011

Turning Goals into Reality

...requires a plan. I spent quite a bit of time yesterday working on making plans in order to implement my goals for this year. Not all of them can be "planned", but I did put together a chart and a calendar to keep record of my goals and plan for them. One thing that can't be planned, but I can prepare for is our family devotion time goal. We already are in a routine of reading Bible Stories each night before bed, but I think it's time to move toward a more focused time of teaching and not just reading, so I'll be researching and buying a book or program that will help us be more intentional during that time. I'm also setting aside some quotes and Bible verses that are meaningful to me and will type them up and start putting them up in a visible place. I'm looking forward to having them up! :)

So here's the plan:
*I'll be inputting reminders in my phone for things like praying for my husband and doing nice things for him.

Then on the calendar:
*I wrote out the plans for preschool lessons for each month to do with my daughter. I haven't planned them all, but I did plan the 12 themes we'll focus on and then each month I'll come up with the activities and lessons I'll do with her.
*I also wrote in the letter and number of the week on each week too.
*One of the family goals was to plan special outings, so that's something else I worked on. I put at least one activity on the calendar for each month. Most of them are festivals or things that take place in the area, I'm hopeful that this will help us remember when they are coming up so we don't miss them! :)
*I also scheduled one of the get aways for me and my husband, and wrote on the calendar to plan the next one.
*I did the same thing with the date nights, we have a date per month already planned and on the calendar. I'm looking forward to them! :)
*Finally, the last thing I put on the calendar was what the deep cleaning room would be for that month.

I already feel so much more prepared and ready to tackle these things one month at a time. The hardest part is behind me, now, all I have to do is follow what is scheduled.

The other thing I worked on was putting together more of a routine for cleaning and time spent at home on a weekly basis. I've learned that it's good to have a "structured" (I use that term loosely, b/c it's more of a flow then a set schedule, I'm a big fan of flexibility!!) routine to our days and weeks. We're more productive, engaged and proactive--all good things. When there is too much 'slack time' we don't do anything fun, we don't plan things, the kids get bored and act out and sitting around makes everyone dreary and irritated. So, a flow, we will have this year! :) It's going to require more discipline from me, but I think it'll be better for me too.

How are your goals coming? Do you have a plan?

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