
Wednesday, June 29, 2011

101 in 1001

For quite some time now I've been meaning to finalize this list and get it posted. I finally got around to getting my list done! :) I'm excited to bring all of you along on the process too! So, it'll start July 1, 2011 (although I've done a few of these things in the last couple weeks, so I'm going to count them!) and end on May 20, 2014. I'll have this posted as a separate page on here too, so you'll have a quick reference to what's been completed. As I complete them, I'll write a post documenting the experience and link it the main 101 in 1001 page. If you've already done some of these things leave me a comment on how it went for you & give me some tips! :) If you'd like to try some of these things too and would like a buddy on the journey with you, let me know! 

101 in 1001 list

1. Make my own boots
2. Finish daughter's scrapbook -- this year
3. Finish son's scrapbook-- this year
4.  Have at least one scrapbooking day 
5.  Finish our wedding scrapbook.
6.  Do one craft project a month
7.  Do crafts more regularly with the kids
8.  Make a pillowcase or men's shirt dress
9.  Do an upcycled project.
10.  Take family "home" (traveling/hobby/personal)
11.  "Doll up" a top 
12.  "Spice up" a pair of flip flops
13. Knit another hat 
14.  Make reusable bag
15.  Make/replace our nightstands
16.  Take a photography class
17.  Learn/Take a sewing class to get better
18.  Expand the garden & learn more about gardening

19.  Stick to the monthly menu plan for a month
20.  Go to a new place on Diners, Drive-Ins and Dives
21.  Drink a frozen hot chocolate from Serendipity
22.  Eat a restaurant that has been featured in a movie.
23.  Have an April Fool's dinner
24.  Buy food from a street vendor
25.  Go on a local food tour
26.  Learn to make something new
27.  One new recipe per month
28.  Make file of yummy recipes
29.  Get all our meat from local farmers
30.  Make homemade yogurt
31.  Make homemade butter
32.  Transition to homemade bread

33.  Keep room clean for 2 weeks
34.  Plant trees
35.  Put all pictures on CD
36.  Organize all pictures
37.  Upload pictures to the digital frame
38.  Make lists of things in pantry to put on doors
39.  Update the pictures in the frames throughout the house
40.  Move the fridge and vacuum behind and under it 2 times a year
41.  Paint daughter's room
42.  Update the master bathroom
43.  Paint master bedroom
44.  Go to bed with a clean house for 1 week
45.  Re-organize the basement
46.  Go through basement closet and hope chests

47. Hang lights in bedroom
48. Build the patio
49. Decorate/Fix the patio
50. Make the backyard usable/fun space
51.  Go to NYC
52.  Travel Europe (may be longer then the 1001 days)
53.  Go on a family cruise
54.  Have a couple's weekend
55.  Try a new food on a trip
56.  Visit three historic sites
57.  Visit 2 new states
58.  Eat at 3 restaurants featured on a TV show on a trip
59. Write a master packing list
60. Go on a family camping trip--and have fun! :)

61.  Go on a girl date once every two months
62.   Make a new friend
63.   Memorize 1 Scripture per month
64.  Keep up with Bible Study homework for one entire session
65.  Read/Listen to an inspirational Christian book every 3 months
66. Keep a prayer journal for 30 days 

67.  Transition family to healthier food options
68.  Go to the gym 3 times a week until September '11
69.   Take multivitamin everyday for a month

70.  Take family pictures every 6 months
71.  Teach kids new skills each month
72.  Teach kids a memory verse
73.  Sleep under the stars as a family
74.  Have another baby
75.  Go camping
76.  Go on a family outing twice a month

78.  Keep a regular date night 
79.  Work on etiquette/manners

80. Volunteer some where as a family

81.  Read Bible once/day for 30 days
82.  Read from the Bible each night as a family
83.  Read through the Bible
84.  Read one book 'for fun' per month for a year
85.  Read 20 new books to the kids
86.  Get out of debt
87.  Save up an emergency fund
88.   Pay cash for a big project
89.  Start a "college fund" for the kids
90.  Teach kids basic money saving principles

91.  Invest 15% of income to retirement funds
92. Update our wills and beneficiaries on our accounts 

Enjoying life
93.  Lie down on the grass and watch the sky
94.  Watch a sunset
95.  Watch a sunrise
96.  Go to the taping of a TV show
97.  Go to one new store or restaurant every three months
98.  Have a spontaneous candle light dinner

99. Win a giveaway/BIG prize

100. Take three educational courses to keep up on my teaching skills
101. Reach 150 followers on my blog  

Wine Down Wednesday


  1. I love your list! 1/2 of your list would be my list...I already expanded my garden and redecorated the patio, and thankfully my mother in law is a scrapbooker! Visiting and now following on GFC via I Love Blogging Hop...hop on over to my blog and follow back if you like!

    Jessica K

  2. I have accomplished a few things...went to Town Talk Diner that was featured on Diners, Drive-Ins and Dives! And went to two Oprah tapings! Good luck! Can't wait to follow along!

  3. Jessica, thanks for stopping by! I'll make my way to yours soon too. :) I'm hoping to get the patio project started this summer! :)

    Daphne, that's awesome. I've been to about 4-5 DDD restaurants and I'm ready for another one! :) I wish I had been to an Oprah show! I was at a taping for the Jimmy Kimmel show years ago, but would enjoy doing another show I enjoyed more! ;) we'll see how that goes.

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  5. Found you from Design it Chic. I love you list! I need to make one myself, but I have a major problem with follow through...I'd need to add Complete This List to the list! :)
