
Friday, June 10, 2011

Garage Sale Recap

Last weekend, as we do most weekends in the summertime, we went garage saling. We came home with bookshelves for the kids bedrooms (which desperately needed to be replaced!) for $10 each! My husband got all sorts of random things for the garage, tools and such. I found some great winter outfits for our son for the winter for some where around $8. He has SO many summer clothes, but not much for this fall and winter, so I'll be stocking up this summer for him at garage sales! I got two Rachel Ray cookbooks for 25 cents each!

On our summer garage sale wish list:
-Bike for our son
-Dresser for the kids
-Bed sets for the kids (maybe)
-Clothes for the kids
-Pink car for our daughter (don't even ask...such a long story! haha!!)

Can't think of anything else right now, but I'm sure when we see it we'll know! ;)

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