
Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Garage Sale Update

I'm posting a brief update today because I'm in the middle of a kitchen update that is taking up most of my 'spare' time! ;) We had a garage sale this weekend and it's so nice to have cash to add to our vacation fund and less stuff in our house/garage! It was pretty successful considering we had very few 'money-making' items. The best part was that when it was all over we only had one small box left of things to donate.

How about you? Will you be having a garage sale this summer? How do you get rid of things you don't use? Is it worth your time to sell it?

**Sidenote: I have to give a quick shout out to my Sis who is having another birthday today!! She is an amazing sister and I really cherish her friendship, her honesty and her generosity in my life. There are so many great things I could say about her and all of them would be true. She loves life (which is contagious when you are with her), and she is compassionate and friendly to everyone. I'm so honored to call her 'Sister'. I love her tons and I hope if my daughter ever has a sister, she'd be as great as mine!  I love you, Sis! Happy Birthday!! **

1 comment:

  1. I am planning on doing a garage sale this summer with my sister at her house (she has a better location then I do)! Hoping to just add a little extra cash for the summer months!
