
Thursday, June 23, 2011

Thankful Thursday

Today I'm most thankful for an experience of a life time! Throughout our debt-diet process we have been living on very little and putting SO much effort into getting out of debt. We have worked really hard and have made a lot of sacrifices along the way. By the way, making sacrifices totally stinks! It's so challenging to be a grown up, with money in the bank and not do what you WANT to do, instead of what you SHOULD do.'s been challenging.

In the midst of all of this both of my siblings made commitments to live overseas. My brother already has been for several years, but has signed another contract and this year won't be returning for Christmas for various reasons. My sister just recently accepted a position to go work at the high school I graduated from in South America. During the process with my sister, my sibs decided to go on a trip to NYC this summer. I jumped on that train and decided I wanted to go too!! :) Wouldn't you?!?! ;) Well, long story short, it was looking for a while like I wasn't going to be able to do it. Again, our life was being run by our bills, not by our desires. After searching for cheap flights like crazy, I came to a place of realizing it just wasn't going to happen this time.

THEN, God showed up! Saturday night (2 days before I was supposed to leave), Priceline accepted my price and friends of ours from high school offered us a place to stay. So the combination put the trip back within our budget limits! I had money still set aside for my birthday present along with some money I'd been saving from my 'fun money', which also helped make it a more affordable amount from the 'family budget'.

All this to say, I'm so thankful for the opportunity to spend the week with my siblings in NYC. Also for my husband who not only was willing to make sure this happened for me & encouraged me to do it, but also stayed home and was a "single Dad" all week too! My parents also came through for me to Be able to go! They helped watch the kids while the hubs was at work to help make it all work for everyone.

I'll post more about my adventures in the big apple soon, today, I'm just thankful for all the opportunities I can have & for little blessings along the way, even while getting out of debt!

What are you thankful for today?


  1. So awesome! God is faithful..this was a once in the lifetime opportunity for all of you! I am grateful you could all be together...that hasn't happened in years!! I'm thankful for my wonderful children who all love and serve the LORD!

  2. Hey, Chelsea! Gave you a shout out on my blog today.

    Also, when you get a second, will you give me your email address. I am working on a blog series that I think you might be able to help me with. I want to send you the info to see if you'd be interested.
