
Friday, July 22, 2011

Blog 1 Year Anniversary!

It's a PARTY! :) 

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Today marks ONE year since the very first post went live. If you're weren't hanging out with us then, you can read it here. Ever since then I've shared with you all about our journey to become debt free, we've made all sorts of homemade things together, I've shared with you the ups & downs of living on a budget and sorts of odds and ends from this past year! ;) Most importantly, we've shared life together. I've enjoyed having your support and encouragement along the way and I hope you've found some inspiration for your own life too. 

Thanks for coming by and checking in each and every day. I'm honored to have you along for the ride! 

Now, what's a party without gifts, right?! :) Three lucky followers will be getting the gifts this time! A good blog is made far greater by it's fabulous readers. You deserve to be celebrated because you are a lovely community of friends. 

So, here's how it'll work. Like I promised before, there will be special followers that will be honored on here occasionally. Today is the first "randomly selected date".  My two dear friends, who have followed from the very beginning deserve a special treat, don't you think? Yes, indeed they do.

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Who doesn't love a good cup of Joe for our country's favorite: Starbucks! :) These lovely readers will be getting a sweet little note with a gift card to Starbucks, courtesy of A Simple Life. Now, remember girls, there is free wifi at all Starbucks locations, so be sure to check in with us and tell us what you enjoyed! :)

The first is my bestie from high school, Sarah. You can read all about her and her coolness here. ;)

The second one will be my friend and roommate from college, Jessie

Thanks friends for being a support from the very beginning! I appreciate you! Watch for your little note coming in the mail for you. :)

Yes, I did say THREE and that was only TWO. I can count! ;) Who is the third you ask? It could be YOU. 

Here's how you can enter to win a little Starbucks treat for yourself. 

1. Publicly follow "A Simple Life" (can be through Google or Facebook)
2. Leave a comment about your favorite post to date

That's it.  A winner will be chosen by random and will be contacted to claim their prize. Good luck! :)


  1. I am a follower! My favorite post is "Paid in Full", a short post but a very significant post. Seeing you pay off Sallie Mae encouraged me and my family that we can pay off my, similar in amount, student loan. I can't wait to have a post like "Paid in Full"!

  2. Big congrats on your one year anniversary!! I'm not entering the contest, I just wanted to say congrats and wish you another year of such wonderful and inspiring posts. :)

  3. Thank you!! Yes, a paid in full post is always a fun one to write! ;) I hope you'll be able to write that one soon. We still have some debt, but we are down to our last loan and we're in the single-digits, yay!!

    Deon, thanks for your kindness!!

  4. Well, what a lovely surprise I find reading here!!!! I never win anything! You really didn't have to do that, ya know...
    Thank you dear. Time sure flies. Your blog has come a long way and I know will continue to. Much love to a good friend.

  5. Happy Anniversary & Congratulation!!! Looking forward to reading more of your posts :)

    Following you from Boost My Blog Friday. Have a wonderful weekend!

  6. How fun! Can't believe it's been a year, you've gone great my friend! I'm jealous of your commitment to writing, and I agree that it just keeps getting better! Love you!
