
Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Buy food from a street vendor

Yay! My first post to share with you about the completion of one of my 101 things in 1001 days! While I was in NYC (which will be posted about soon as another one completed), we bought some amazing cinnamon rolls from a street vendor. While walking down Wall Street toward the ferry to take us to the Statue of Liberty we got the munchies. This street vendor had all sorts of delicious breakfast treats and advertised, "The World's Best Coffee" (according to who, we aren't sure, but since I didn't buy any of this world famous coffee, I can't deny nor agree with such a statement.) Back to that cinnamon brother spotted these enormous tasty treats. A little hesitant to "waste" money on a terrible, dry roll, I asked him for a bite. "Yep, I will need to get one of those!" was my immediate thought. Then, as if the yumminess alone wasn't a good enough reason to get one, the price tag was just as surprisingly amazing. How much you ask? (Even if you don't, I'll tell you because it just makes the story MORE awesome). $1! Yep, only ONE dollar. It was totally worth every penny, every one hundred of them! ;)

And if you know me, you know that no great experience is ever complete without it being documented! So here it is, silly faces and all, it's hard to smile when you have some gooey deliciousness in your mouth! ;)

Did you see the size of that thing? HUGE!
At least one of us had to mess up the was his turn! ;)
What a great "street vendor" experience. Now, I'm just kicking myself for not buying the $4 giant gyro I passed up at Times Square. I think I'll have to make a trip back to NYC just to redeem that horrible mistake. :)

1 comment:

  1. Couple questions for my blog buddy:
    1) How did you get the fonts for your page tabs at the top, and signature?
    2) How did you create a button for yourself and how did you get the followers and labels buttons?
