
Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Happy Anniversary, Honey!!

July 20, 2002
Today we are celebrating 9 years together! Crazy how quickly that has gone by. Just for fun, lets take a little trip down memory lane.

We got married on a beautiful day! We were surrounded by so many people who love and support us. It was a fantastic day.

*You'll have to excuse the poor quality of pictures. We got married in the dark ages (digital pictures were rare and pricey!) So I had to take pictures of the pictures to get them on here. Like I said, poor quality.

My girlfriends! :)
My sister and SIL are missing from this picture, but were bridesmaids.

The boys!

First time we saw each other that day! :)

Leaving on our horse drawn carriage! See that beautiful blue sky? It was a perfect day! 

Here we are, 9 years and two precious kids later. So much has happened in our lives since that day. We've some great years, so good years and some difficult years, but through it all we have grown together and continue to love each other. I love you babe! Thanks for being my partner through life. You're still the bestest! :)

Have you ever noticed once you have little ones, there are rarely any pictures of just the two of you?!?!  ;)

To see where I linked up today, see this list


  1. congrats. I'll be married 9 years in Spet
    new follower from a hop

  2. Happy Anniversary! What a happy family, I look forward to getting to know you throught your blog! Thanks for the follow! God Bless, Sara
