
Thursday, July 7, 2011

Thank YOU!

Today on this beautiful summer Thankful Thursday, I'm thankful for YOU! If you are reading this today, I'm thankful for your support of my little hobby/hopefully-becoming-more blog! ;) It's such a compliment to hear from all of you that have learned something or benefited from something I've been able to share with you through this blog. Thank you for sticking around! If you're a google friend connect "follower" I'm especially thankful for you. I love watching that little number in a parenthesis go up each day. It means a lot to me that you would take the extra step to publicly follow with an account. (I realize it takes more effort, but it's SO appreciated!)

Okay, well here is the really FUN part! In order to HONOR you for all the ways you've supported my blog by reading it each day, I have a few little treats up my sleeve. :)

1. Be sure to follow, because every once in a while I'll spontaneously chose a follower to feature on here. I'm hoping to surprise some of you by writing a whole post all about why I love your blog (if you have one) along with all the links for others to find your geniusness (yes, I did make up that word) too! ;) If you're not a blogger, you could be featured too! I might write about how I know you or how you've inspired me--you'll never know what it'll be, but I promise it'll be a compliment! :) Be on the watch out, you'll never know when you'll be featured!

2. Oh and there is more...I have a few (randomly selected) dates on my calendar that are set aside for me to feature and possibly award something to the most frequent commenter that week. (If there isn't a "highest number" commenter, then I'll select my favorite.) There is a rule I'll need to tell you about this one though. The comments have to be real comments that contribute to the post or conversation around the post, (not "oh cool" type responses).

*Remember the dates are randomly selected, so be sure to comment as often as you'd like to increase your chances of winning.

*There is no promise of an award each time, but every once in a while they'll be a lucky commenter that will not only be featured on a post, but will also get a cool treat too!

Most importantly, thanks for hanging out on here! I love reading your comments and hearing how this blog has helped you in your lives! I'm so thankful for your support.

So, today, here's to YOU! Love you all!

1 comment:

  1. Aloha from your new follower! Found your blog on the Monday mingle blog hop. Love this idea you're doing.. It's a great way to show your appreciation for your readers!
