
Monday, August 29, 2011

Is it always like this?!

The first day of preschool for our oldest has come. Is it always this bittersweet? I'm guessing yes. It's the story of every mother.

She is BEYOND excited and has been telling everyone {even strangers} how many days until she goes to school. It's such a fun thing for her and I'm so happy for her. This is a BIG milestone in her life and it's meant to be celebrated. There is so much to be thankful for. She is healthy, smart, loveable, social and SO ready for school.

I'm actually really ready for her to go to school on some level too. Mostly because I know it'll be good for her, it'll help her grow and she'll have a chance to explore and use her little brain in ways she just can't do at home. It'll also give me the chance to have some one-on-one time with my little man, which I'm excited for. He's never really had all my attention to himself on a regular basis, so this will be good for us too. Of course, I'll also be back to having just ONE child to keep track of for 3 hours every other day! :) Do you think that should double my productivity level again?!?!

Then, I look back at her sweet little baby pictures and I'm just not ready for her to be going to school yet. Really, how did she go from that squeezable, pudgy cheeked little bundle of pink I was carrying every where to a little girl!? Her cute little pig tales sticking straight out the side of her head had to have been one of the cutest things ever! I'm just not sure I'm ready for her to be out in the world all on her own yet. She's still my baby girl.

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