
Thursday, August 18, 2011

Too busy...

Alright, here's the truth. I have way too much to do right now to be sitting in front of the computer. Some of it is really fun stuff like getting ready for our vacation. :) Other things like getting ready for our vacation are stressing me out. Yes, I did say that correctly. Yes, I do know I said getting ready for our vacation is both fun and stressful. Can't anyone relate?!?! There is all the fun planning the outings you'll take, thinking and dreaming of all the fun you'll have. Then you look around your house and realize you are SO unprepared to leave in a matter of weeks. There is so much cleaning/projects to finish, getting all the back-to-school craziness taken care of and...packing. Yep, it's a pain.

So, rather then spending a lot of time telling you all about the stuff I've been doing or should be doing, I'm just going to go ahead and DO my to do list! :) Good plan, don't you think?!

Don't worry, I will fill you in! I'll just have to be patient. I'm signing off until Monday, hopefully that'll give me enough time to kick out a bunch of my list. Have a great weekend!


  1. Good luck in getting everything done. Just think to yourself that once you finish the to-do's, you will likely get to ENJOY your vacation.

  2. I've been saying the same thing all week! School starts next Tuesday, and I hope to have the "real life" tasks somewhat caught up by then so I can work on my blog and eBook series that I'm writing. Found you through Design it Chic hop. I'm following on Google Friend Connect and will catch you on Facebook now. My blog gives writing and grammar tips to bloggers, with a little funny retro stuff thrown in.

  3. Hope you have a fun and relaxing vacation! :) Hard work , play time & relaxation after!

  4. Thank you ladies!! I actually got quite a bit done over the weekend so my stress level has come down a bit! :) I'm looking forward to finishing up the rest of what we need to do and especially getting excited for our vacation! :)
