
Wednesday, August 24, 2011

What I'm Diggin' Today

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In honor of the "What I'm Diggin'" Blog hop, I'm going to tell you all what things I'm really enjoying right now. I've had a full week with all kinds of great things going on around this house, but I'm really digging right now is that it's going to be in the low 90's all week. Yes, I know some of you think I'm crazy, but I LOVE it! L.O.V.E. summer weather. I have so many things to do this week, but I can promise you I'll find a way to get outside as much as I can every single day this week to soak up the sun for as long as I can. You can call it end of summer all you want, but when it's still in the 90s, I call that summer weather and I'm SO digging it! :)

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What are you diggin' this week?

1 comment:

  1. Youre so lucky to enjoy the summer! I am actually digging that winter is around the corner...especially the fall!
