
Tuesday, September 20, 2011


I'm not a morning person! I put this on my 101 list because I knew it would be a stretch for me. It was. It was totally worth it. I've obviously experienced seeing the sunrise before, but there is something so beautiful and peaceful about actually taking the time to sit and watch it.

My sister gets the credit for this one. It was her last day in town before moving overseas for a year. She'd started watching the sunrise regularly this summer and invited me and other close friends to join her at her favorite sunrise watching spot that final day. I wanted to spend the time with her and I knew I'd be disappointed if I didn't go, but setting my alarm the night before was a struggle! I did it though! :)

That morning, I literally, went to the bathroom and put on a sweatshirt and walked out the door. It was way too early to do anything else! Keep that in mind as you see these pictures! ;)

I'll let the pictures tell the rest of the story. There are times that words just can't describe something as beautiful a moment as the birth of a new day. 


Me, Sis, Vanessa
Me, Sis, Mom

As the sun moved overhead, we headed to Starbucks to spend some quality time together while enjoying a yummy coffee to start our day. It was a fantastic morning. 

Watch the sunrise. So glad I did. 


  1. Nothing is better than getting to see a sunrise..I've done it a few times ONLY. Ha! Like you I'm not a morning person but love it when I do...getting up is the hard part.
    I'm really enjoying your blog and have become a new follower.
    I'd love it if you stopped by today and linked up one of your projects/recipes to my 1st Link Party that will be going on every Tuesday. Thank you!

  2. what an amazing sunrise - totally worth it! (i am also a very bad morning person - but sometimes you just have to do it!!!!)
    thanks so much for dropping past and taking the time to leave a comment on my blog.
    really appreciate it.
    hope you're having a great week.
    cheryl xox.
