
Wednesday, October 26, 2011


Life is finally feeling a bit more manageable again--yay! I actually have a bunch of days on my November calendar with NOTHING on them--yet! ;) After looking back through September and October I counted up that during a period of 6 weeks, I was home for only 14 days. Those same 14 days were nearly all ones my husband was working a 12-shift for too. It was really hectic! Which meant this little space of mine had to be put on hold, if for no other reason then to maintain the little bit of sanity I still had left! ;)

The good news is, that just because I was taking a break from posting, I certainly wasn't taking a break from paying off debt, gathering ideas and working on projects! :) Hope you're all ready for some serious catching up, because I've got a lot to share. Haha!!

Thank you for your patience during my mini-break and for your condolences and well-wishes as we headed to my Grandpa's funeral. They were very appreciated!

I also wanted to warn you that some of the posts you'll be seeing in the next few weeks will be from things that happened (what seems like) forever ago!