
Friday, November 11, 2011

Project: Pinterest

 I have full boards of recipes, ideas, tips, and decorating ideas on pinterest! I've been slowly working my way through the ideas as I find time and have tried several of the recipes. Just for fun, I'm going to do mini reviews or recaps on the projects/recipes as I actually complete them! :) Granted there are some of them that I just simply won't do because they are more "dream" pins then "real" pins, but either way, it should be fun.

Just for fun and since it's Friday, I'll share some of my random pins that I just think are fabulous!

Wouldn't this just be a romantic event to attend?

I'm really drawn to red, purple, gray, fun boots, stripes and leg warmers this fall. Anyone else? It's every where and I'm liking it.

I should be doing this...but I'm too busy pinning! ;)

What have you been pinning lately?

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