
Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Snacks on the Go

I found these great little containers that were perfect for my kid's snacks for our trip to San Diego this September and had to share about them on here. The problem I was originally trying to solve was the constant turning around I would have to do on a road trip to get things for my kids. I get car sick easily and the constant motion of turning and looking backwards was not helpful. I'm smart enough to realize that just telling them to hang tight for the next 12 hours wasn't going to be a plan worth keeping! ;) I needed a real plan! 

When I ran across the 3-pack of different size containers for only 97 cents at Walmart, I was sold. I got one of the blue sets and one of the pink. Then I got them each a matching water bottle, and a little cereal-type dispenser, for 97 cents each as well. 

It worked like a charm! The kids had the same amount of each kind of snack in their own travel bag filled with goodies for them to entertain themselves with on the trip.

Now, I love having them to fill with snacks to keep in the car or to grab on the go too. I'm always trying to keep high protein snacks around so that we can put an end to the impending full on melt-down as soon as we can! :) 

My daughter has been using her set for her school snacks too. One of the benefits to these great little containers has been to cut down on all the use of plastic bags. They also contain the mess much easier then bags too. 

I know I could've just used some tupperware type containers for these things, but I chose not to for a few reasons:

1. These are used for snacks for the kids so these are always available for them to use.
2. I don't have a lot of containers in these sizes so the few I'd have I need available for food storage at home.
3. The kids feel special having their "own" special snack containers. 
4. Each of them has their own container and they are the SAME (except for the color), so it cuts down on the bickering and complaining I hear from the back seat! :) 

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