
Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Grocery Budget Update

I know it's been a long time since I've given you my actual monthly grocery spending for all sorts of reasons, but most of them have to do with not being a diligent blogger lately.

For the most part we've stayed within our budget of $150/month. There were a few times that we were over by $15-20. My goal has always been $50/person per month and since our son was under 2 I wasn't really considering him a "full" person for the budget. Now, though, we've decided to increase our budget to the full $200/month due to the rising costs of groceries and our son showing signs of being all BOY, especially when it comes to filling his belly! ;) I'm feeling alright about the change, especially since we made it on our lower budget through our debt pay off season. Now that it is behind us, giving a little increase to our grocery budget should be manageable. I think I'll still always try to keep it lower though, that's just my style! ;) I like the challenge too.

Another change that is coming to our grocery habits is furthering my quest for healthier alternatives to add to our diets. I've always done this to some extent, but haven't pushed my self as hard as I could be, so that's my next goal. I'll be sharing some of those ideas with you as they come up, in case anyone else is interested in the same thing. :)

Anybody else working hard to cut spending on groceries? What are your tips? What's working for you? What do you find most challenging?

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