
Saturday, February 1, 2014

ummm…no, I didn't disappear.

Ever feel like things are just TOO crazy at a particular season of your life? Yes. Me too. I was am experiencing that feeling. So I took an unannounced and undefined amount of time off from blogging.

Truth is: I needed the break. Truth is: I missed it. Truth is: I'm not sure what this will look like for me during this season either, but I do know that I really enjoy blogging and hope to make it part of my life again.

Quick re-cap on the last 2 years. Yes, it's been that long.

1. Baby #3 is here, and now is a year old, walking and a bundle of humor. He is such a love, a determined little guy and a mama's boy.

2. We are still tracking with our budget. It's been working really well for us. It's hard to see so little "extra" on some months, but we are not lacking. So, gratitude is the best perspective on that. :)

3. I have a million and one projects I want to do and blog about. We will take one at a time and there are no promises from me about when they will be done. ;)

4. We are adopting! Our fourth child will be coming to us from a dear mother in Uganda. We know very little details about the "who" right now, but we know she belongs here and we are preparing for her. :) To get all the details on that, you can follow the link under the page: "Project: Home" or click here. This will be a big part of our year, so I'm sure you'll be hearing a lot about this process.

I'm excited to get back in touch with each of you dear readers. Leave some comments and let me know what your updates are too. I'm looking forward to hearing from you.

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