
Tuesday, June 21, 2011


This is how I feel right now about the series I am reading. UGH! I'm getting so frustrated by the direction the author is taking the story, which rarely happens to me and even less with this author! If you take a little peak at the "On My Nightstand" and "Just Finished" sections on the left side of the blog you'll see TWO Karen Kingsbury books just in the last month! That's not even the half of it. In about 6 months I think I read close to 20 of her books (starting with the Baxter series and through the Take One series). I know, right, a bit obsessed with the K.K. books. My husband agrees! ;) But, in my defense they are SO good, no really, SO good!

Well as soon as she was adding to the series I had been on by doing a Bailey Flanigan series I was really excited, I'm serious--really excited. Who gets this nuts over books?!?! ;) Anyway....the first one came out this spring and yes, I had it shortly after it was released and read it (Leaving) very slowly. I don't think it's ever taken me so long to read one of her books. I do have my reasons though, and whether you'd like to hear them or not, I will tell you. 1. I knew I was going to have to wait until June 20th (Yesterday!!) for the release of the second book (Learning), so why rush it, right? 2. I was SO annoyed by the direction I could see it going. SO annoyed! Really, Karen? Really? Can't you see this is going to be a disaster?! *sigh* She did not heed my advice and the series is on the brink of disaster now.

So, why am I just now sharing my frustrations with you? First of all because I thought for sure she (Karen K.) would redeem herself after asking a question of her readers on FB about the direction she should take this particular "dilemma" (a.k.a. disaster). I was very relieved that approximately 98% of her readers agreed with me! :) Yea, I know that's usually not that hard to do!! ;) Haha! Okay, anyway, I figured, great, she got the message, "We don't like it! It'll be a total failure! Please stop this before it gets any worse! She must chose the other option! PLEASE!!!" I'm serious, everyone was desperate to see this disaster turn around.

Well, I've read reviews on the second book (because I'm obsessed and anxiously waiting for the book!) and seen the new cover. And because I haven't had a chance to go get it. Friends, she's not listening! She's messing it all up! I feel like taking the pen out of her hand and scratching it all out and starting it over. KAREN! Don't do it! I'm so disappointed, I don't even know how I'm going to get through the book. I'm sure I will, because I HAVE to know what happens, but be warned the book may hit a few walls before I finish it....just sayin'.  And up until now I was giving her the benefit of the doubt, since there are 2 more books (4 total) that she would turn it around and redeem it in the 3rd book.

Darn FB has ruined my hopes again! She just posted that she finished the 3rd book and it has the WRONG cover picture! Not cool, Karen, not cool.

Sigh, so I guess now I can only hold out hope for the fourth book to make the series right again. So bummed out right now.

Am I the only one that gets this 'involved' about fictional people?!?! Please tell me I'm not...

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