
Monday, June 20, 2011

Happy Birthday, Little Man!

My little guy is having a birthday today. Not quite sure how we'll spend all of the day today, but I we've got a big party bash planned for the weekend. Can't wait to celebrate with him and all who love him! Like I shared before, I like to do a lot of it myself, so it'll be a busy week around here getting ready for his little gig. ;) I'll be sure to post pictures along the way of all my creations and and how the party turns out too!

On to other news, in case you haven't noticed I've been working hard on giving this blog a little makeover! ;) I've been learning a lot about blogging and would love for this little "hobby-blog" to turn into something more. I have had a lot of feedback about our story being meaningful and inspiring to a lot of people and I'd love to expand that beyond a small circle of friends. If this process (though we haven't done it perfectly) and our story can make a difference for more people, then that would be wonderful to us. The other perk is that there are advertisers willing to pay bloggers for their space on a site and that could mean a little extra income to my family. Again, a benefit we could use right now, especially with our goal to be debt free. Why am I telling you this? Because you can help me! Here's some ways you can be a part of this process:

1. If you are a regular reader, but haven't ever clicked "follow", you can do so now. You do have choices as well. You can chose to subscribe by email (posts will go directly to your inbox), or by following through google (using a variety of accounts you may have set up) or through Facebook (networked blogs). Any of these options are helpful and it'll make it easier for you to keep up with the posts as well since you'll have them come directly to you each time I post! Feel free to pass all this on to friends that may be interested too.

2. If you already follow and have been reading all along, a way you can help is by commenting on blog posts. It's so encouraging to me and creates a community around the content of the blog. Which will give us all the opportunity to share more too! So comment away! Also watch for future rewards that may come to the top commenter! ;)

3. If you are a blogger and would like to you can 'grab my button' and post it on your site. Which would be awesome and I would really appreciate it! If you do, please let me know so I can swing by your blog and give you a special thank you & show some support to you too!

4. Continue to be the support you have been! It's so awesome to share this journey with all of you. Thanks for reading and following along.

Thank you all!! Have a wonderful week. Looking forward to hearing all of your thoughts on this new adventure below. I love reading your comments!

1 comment:

  1. Hope it turns into something more...Love that LITTLE MAN! He is so adorable and so precious to us. Can't wait to celebrate him on Sunday!

    xoxo Grammie!
