
Sunday, June 19, 2011

Happy Father's Day!!

Yay! What a great day to celebrate the men in our lives. There are so many great things I could tell you about my Dad. He's a Godly man, extremely loyal and dedicated, thinks through things before committing to them, is honest and a hard worker. I've learned a lot of lessons from him and notice more and more of him in me each day. Of all the things I remember about my Dad, money wisdom was always a topic we were discussing. I've learned so many valuable financial lessons from him (and my Mom) about saving, living within your means, generosity, giving to God, staying out of debt, investing, and not letting money drive you. I'm so thankful for a Dad who was diligent in teaching us how to be good stewards of our resources.

My husband is another amazing Dad in my life! He is doing an excellent job with our kids and is instilling some of those great pieces of wisdom in them now too. He too, is a hard worker and brings a great balance of work and play to our family. He's always making decisions to better our family and take care of me and the kids. Beyond all the money 'stuff', he's all around just a fabulous Dad! He makes them a priority, has tons of fun with them and they know they are loved. They are bummed on the mornings they wake up and he's at work and do a little 'happy dance' when he comes home! ;)

Happy Father's Day to my two favorite Fathers!! :) I love you.

Just for kicks, I thought it'd be fun to share two other articles about Dads and Money today. Dave Ramsey asked his readers what advice they remember from their Dad's and some of their replies are in this article.  Then, LearnVest did a similar thing and their version can be read here.

Have a great day and enjoy spending time with your favorite father's today! :)

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