
Friday, June 17, 2011

Five Question Friday

Happy Friday everyone! :) As I mentioned yesterday this has been a fabulous week. I've been able to get some projects done and that feels great. I came across a new blog the other day in my 'wandering' the web and she does a fun thing on Fridays called 5QF (5 ?? Fridays). I thought I'd give it a try this week and see how it goes. These questions come from her blog, so anyone who is participating is answering the same 5 questions today! Kind of fun, right? 

1. What is your favorite summer time activity?
Hmm...if you know me I love, love, love everything summer! :) Well, not everything, but the list of things I don't like is short. ;) I enjoy being outside and that is probably the main reason I love summer so much. If I had to pick my favorite thing I think it would be going swimming. It's refreshing and fun, it's nice to get warmed up and dry under the sun while eating a yummy picnic lunch. All around it just makes for a great family day and it just makes me think, "this is summer!"

2. Do you have one laundry soap you stick to, or do you buy whatever's on sale?
Interesting you should ask! :) Well, I used to buy anything that was on sale and that smelled yummy. But for almost the last year, I've been making homemade laundry soap for several reasons (sensitivity to chemicals & cost being the primary ones).  

3. What is your favorite dinner to make in the summer?
Grilling. Nearly anything anything grilled is so delicious! Again, it's one of those things that makes me think, "summer". I'll be posting more about this soon, so stay tuned... :)

4. Do you have any talents?
Well, gee, I hope so. I don't think I have any random, goofy talent, but I'm sure I have some. Wow! Can't really think of any actual talent to tell you about though...this isn't good. Lets just all pretend that I do and I'll have to get back to you on this one! ;)

5. If you could instantly be an expert in something, what would it be? Why?
Hmm...I think there are a lot of things I would really like to be an expert at, but the first one that came to mind is the one I'll go with. I think it would be awesome to be able to learn/speak/understand languages quickly. Communication is such a keep to relationships and people, it's essentially the core of relating with each other and it would be sweet (in my opinion) to not have that barrier with people who don't speak the languages I speak. 

I hope you enjoyed my first version of 5QF. I did, so much so that I might try it again some time. While we're on the topic of questions, be sure to check out the new poll I have up. I can't wait to see all your votes and/or suggestions! :)


  1. visiting from 5q friday!! making laundry detergent sounds great, i may have to try that:) cute blog you have here!

  2. Thanks for stopping by Taylor Made Home and commenting. I understand the frustration of organizing something only to have others ignore/mess things up again. I'm working on a post titled "Organize Your Husband", so come back for that soon. As for kids, you could use some sort of reward system. The reward need not be money either... it can be extra video game time, trip to ice cream shop, day at theme park... anything that gets them excited.

  3. If I could be an instant expert in anything, it would be: time travel! Hah! (and I'm not even kidding!)

    Meanwhile, I looked all around your blog, and read the pages and stories and several posts and I must say, this is a terrific idea for a blog! I honor the journey that you're on -- to live simply, to live within your means, and to get back to the basic of what really matters in life.

    And, look, anybody who makes their own laundry soap is a-okay in my book!

    { twitter = @danenow }
