
Thursday, June 16, 2011

Thankful Thursday

Wow!! There is always so much to be thankful for when we really stop to think about it, isn't there? Today I'll share my Top Three 'Thankful For...' for this week.

1. VBS
This has been a huge blessing to me this week. I signed my kids up, knowing they'd love the interaction with other kids and I'm always looking for ways to get them involved in church programs and learning more about God each day. This totally fit the bill. When I signed them up, I was thinking about how great this would be for them. But then...Sunday night I realized, "oh my goodness! I'm going to have 3 hours to myself every morning this week!" Then my next thought was, "I better do something!" It turned out to be a wonderful week. On Monday and Tuesday I painted my kitchen (pictures and details to follow). Yesterday I was able to go shopping with my hubby for some summer clothes WITHOUT the kids!! :) Today we are having a breakfast date and enjoying some quality time together and tomorrow I'll be running errands and getting a haircut--all of which will be kid-free! :)

So today, I'm thankful for ALL of the Harvest Fellowship volunteers who have worked so hard this week. Not only have they taught my kids about the Bible and God's love for them, but they've also blessed me with some "Mommy-Time", which I didn't even realize how much I needed. THANK YOU!!

2. My Sister
My sissy had a birthday this week. I'm so thankful for her and the gift she is in my life. You can read more about how awesome she is in the linked post AND you should, because you've gotta know she's the best sis in the world! :)

3. My Hubby
This week has been a busy week for my husband. He's had a lot of extra things for work, but he does it because he loves us. He is a great provider for us and does the best he can at his job to take care of his family. I'm so thankful for this work ethic and willingness to sacrifice for us. AND THEN...even after all he has had going on he still agreed to help me with the finishing touches on the kitchen project late on Tuesday night. Isn't he the best?!?! Yes, he is and I'm so thankful he's mine! :)


  1. So funny I posted after you in the SITS Girls 31DBBB forum for today's assignment and when I come here to leave some comment love I see you do something very similar to me! I host a Thankful Thursday blog hop so I was like "woah" when the link opened hahaha! *eerie music playing in the background*

    How great is it you can sit back and take in all the wonderful things there are to be thankful for! I can not wait to see pictures of your freshly painted kitchen BTW.

  2. I too want to see pictures of the kitchen! I love diy projects and the kitchen is on my list after i finish some other things LOL

    as a child i also went to VBS and it was fantastic and created lasting memories. I am glad your kids and you enjoyed that
