
Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Small project, turned BIG! Part 2

Yesterday I shared with you how I decided to do a quick makeover in my master bathroom cupboard, that turned into three more spaces being dealt with! Here is project #2. Our 2nd bathroom {guest/kid's bathroom} has two cupboards, so each of those got a new look as well. I was in a hurry to deal with this issue and forgot to take before pictures, but they looked much like the master bathroom one. Piles of stuff. Ugh. 

So here is the new, organized look at the first side: 

The kids have a step stool now, so I needed to keep that tucked away some where.
This worked perfectly. 

Doesn't that seem to work so much better? :) I'm very happy with it. Although, again, I was really annoyed by the plumber's lack of concern for my need to organize these cupboards! 

The other side was full of my cleaning supplies, which turned into project #3, again, I'll share that one tomorrow. ;) But the overflow from both the master bathroom and the other cupboard in this bathroom needed a place to go, so this cupboard was where they needed to be. The benefit of freeing up this space was making room for other things that were always "out." The kid's bath toys now have a home and so do their toothbrushes, toothpaste and mouthwash. I also can stash away extra bottles of toiletries upstairs now, rather then having to keep them in the basement. All around this little makeover has been a HUGE improvement to our use of space in both bathrooms.

View of the 2nd cupboard:

And remember this? 

 Now it looks like this:

Are you starting to see why this took me a lot longer then the time I was thinking?!?! ;) This brings the count up to 4 cupboards getting a makeover. AND, I'm still not more tomorrow. Don't you want to know where I moved all those cleaning supplies too?

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