
Thursday, September 1, 2011

Small Project, Turned BIG! Part 3

The final part of my makeover project had two parts. Part 1: Linen Closet, Part 2: Bed Risers. There isn't much to share about the bed risers. I simply bought some and my husband and I put them under our bed. :) It turned into a bit of a project though because our bed was a bit TOO far off the ground. We aren't exactly tall people. Now we have our box spring listed on craigslist to help even out the height issue. The good news is that it gave me a lot more storage space under the bed though! :) Even better, there is only one small box under there right now. My plan is to use inexpensive laundry baskets as my storage containers under there because they provide easy access, but most importantly, will cost significantly less then the under the bed boxes or linen storage containers. That's it for part 2, the easiest project of them all so far. :) 

Part 1, the linen closet really didn't take all the long either. Before it just consistent of sheets, blankets, pillows and towels. I moved all the sheets that go on our bed into one laundry basket under our bed for now. The air mattress and pump was also moved to a box under our bed. Moving those two things out of the way freed up space for the cleaning supplies and a few extra things in the bathroom that could be moved out. 

Here's how it looks now:

5 cupboards/closets and one bed raised later, my quick little projected turned into a week long deal. Thankfully, I kept pushing through and finished them all. The result has been worth it. One of the hardest things about living in a smaller home is that spaces can easily become overloaded. It's good to every once in a while go through it all and sort out the stuff you don't actually use/need any more to  make space for your essentials. I can't tell you how many bottles of moisturizers and random toiletry items I found stashed in those piles. 

There's a good money saving tip right there: Find and use what you have at home!

What projects have you been working on? Do you have a "quick" project you want to work on, but you're afraid to start it incase it turns into a BIG project? ;)

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